A crucial part of the successful completion of any degree program is studying. And knowing this so many things still get in the way of a successful study session. Finding the right groove that works for each individual can be challenging. The study tips that are provided by advisers and counselors may just not do the trick. Yes, it helps to have a quiet space free of any distractions where the focus can be prioritized. But what else can be added to maximize the use of this time?
Here are a few study habits that may help to get studies back on track:
Video – one of the trending items in higher education today is the use of “study along” or “study with me” videos. These videos don’t exactly teach you how to study, these are videos that have been created by others showing themselves simply studying. These video creators might suggest some ambient noise or soft music in the background to help enhance the environment. These videos simply show others reading, taking notes, reviewing notecards, etc. Those that use these types of videos report that seeing others in the act of studying find that studying becomes contagious and helps them make the best use of their time.
Sing – at one time or another we’ve all had a song get stuck in her head and simply can’t get rid of it. Take the same idea and put it into use during your next study session. You can make up a few lyrics or a simple jingle about the fact you want to remember or even the key points that could help you on a test. This could be a lifesaver when you need it the most. Turn to your favorite track or a familiar melody to help you memorize different skills it’ll be much easier than you might imagine. Have some fun with it!
Music – many students report that simply listening to some type of study music and letting that same music play why they sleep has helped them improve their academic performance. Try some new style of music. Perhaps some ambient noise or simply some instrumental music that you may not normally listen to.
Rewards – consider rewarding yourself after a study session. Just like a high-performing athlete may have one cheat day where they can enjoy a slice of pizza. Perhaps as a hard-working student, you can set aside your favorite dessert when the studying is done. This can even be a small reward if you enjoy a favorite candy, reward yourself with a piece after reading a few pages in that textbook required for your class. If creating notecards is part of your process for studying, consider setting aside a handful of your favorite snacks once you’re done.
Accessorize – creating a Study area includes more than just setting the mood that applies to your desk arrangement or the lighting. This can apply to your study implements. Perhaps having a special set of pens, notebooks, planners, and stationery will help you visualize success and will support your study sessions. Setting up your surroundings including accessories can go a long way towards putting you in the right state of mind to begin your successful study session.