Embrace AI to Design Writing Assignments

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, technology continues to reshape the way we teach and learn. One of the most exciting advancements in recent years is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the classroom. While AI may have initially seemed like a distant concept, its potential impact on education is becoming increasingly apparent. Today, we explore how educators can embrace AI to design writing assignments that enhance student learning.

Enhancing Feedback and Assessment – One of the biggest challenges in writing assignments is providing timely and constructive feedback to students. AI-powered tools now offer sophisticated capabilities to assist educators in this process. Automated essay scoring systems, for example, can analyze and evaluate students’ writing based on predefined criteria. This allows teachers to focus on higher-level feedback and personalized guidance, fostering student growth and engagement.

Promoting Individualized Learning – Every student has unique strengths and areas for improvement. AI can help tailor writing assignments to suit individual needs and abilities. Adaptive learning platforms can analyze students’ writing patterns and suggest personalized topics or writing strategies. By using AI, educators can ensure that writing assignments address each student’s specific learning goals, maximizing their potential for success.

Unleashing Creativity and Critical Thinking – AI is not limited to grading and assessment; it can also stimulate creativity and critical thinking among students. With AI-powered tools, students can explore new writing styles, experiment with vocabulary and grammar, and receive instant feedback on their choices. These tools can even generate writing prompts based on specific themes or topics, sparking students’ imagination and encouraging them to think outside the box.

Engaging Students in Authentic Writing Experiences – Incorporating AI into writing assignments allows students to experience real-world applications of their skills. For example, language models like ChatGPT, an AI-based language model, can simulate conversation and provide a platform for students to practice persuasive writing or develop storytelling techniques. By interacting with AI, students can improve their writing skills in a dynamic and engaging manner.

Facilitating Collaboration and Peer Feedback – AI can also facilitate collaboration and peer feedback. Online platforms equipped with AI tools enable students to review and comment on each other’s work, promoting a sense of community and fostering constructive discussions. These platforms can provide suggestions for revision, highlight areas of improvement, and encourage students to refine their writing through collaborative efforts.

AI is revolutionizing the design of writing assignments in education. By embracing AI technologies, educators, administrators, and instructional designers can enhance the feedback and assessment process, promote individualized learning, stimulate creativity and critical thinking, engage students in authentic writing experiences, and facilitate collaboration. Integrating AI into writing assignments not only empowers educators with time-saving tools but also enriches students’ learning experiences, preparing them for the demands of the 21st century. As AI continues to advance, let us seize the opportunities it presents and create a future where education is powered by technology for the benefit of all learners.


Take Time to Recharge and Refresh

As educators we dedicate ourselves to providing quality education and supporting the growth of our students. However, it is crucial to remember that taking care of our own well-being is equally important. The holiday break that typically falls in the middle of December offers a valuable opportunity for educators to recharge and refresh. Let’s explore the significance of self-care during the holiday break and provide some best practices to make the most of this well-deserved time off.

Disconnect and Unplug: Use the holiday break as an opportunity to disconnect from work-related responsibilities. Turn off notifications, set boundaries, and resist the urge to check emails or complete tasks. Give yourself permission to fully disconnect and unplug, allowing yourself to rest and recharge. Embrace activities that bring you joy and fulfillment outside of your professional life.

Engage in Self-Care Activities: Prioritize self-care activities that promote relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy and help you unwind. Whether it’s reading a book, taking long walks, practicing meditation, or indulging in hobbies, make time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Prioritizing self-care allows you to return to your role as an educator feeling refreshed and energized.

Reflect and Set Intentions: Use this time to reflect on your accomplishments, challenges, and growth as an educator. Celebrate your successes and identify areas for personal and professional development. Set intentions for the upcoming year, outlining your goals and aspirations. Reflecting on your journey and setting intentions can provide a sense of clarity and purpose, guiding your actions in the future.

Connect with Loved Ones: The holiday break is an excellent opportunity to reconnect with your loved ones and strengthen personal relationships. Spend quality time with family and friends, engage in meaningful conversations, and create lasting memories. Nurturing these relationships provides emotional support and reinforces a sense of belonging and happiness.

Explore New Interests: Step outside your comfort zone and explore new interests or hobbies. Use the break to engage in activities you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t had the time for. This exploration not only enriches your personal life but can also inspire creativity and fresh perspectives in your professional endeavors.

The holiday break in December is a precious time for educators to prioritize self-care, recharge, and refresh. By disconnecting and unplugging, engaging in self-care activities, reflecting on personal and professional growth, connecting with loved ones, and exploring new interests, educators can return to their roles with renewed energy and enthusiasm. Remember that taking care of yourself is not a luxury; it is essential for your overall well-being and the well-being of your students. Embrace the holiday break as an opportunity to invest in your own happiness and recharge, ensuring you can continue to make a positive impact in the lives of those you educate.


Be Thankful

There are many ways to foster a thankful heart, which can lead to positive benefits, such as better health, higher productivity, healthier relationships, more satisfaction with life, relief from stress, and defense against depression.

Now might be a good time to conduct a personal thankfulness inventory, learn ways to increase your thankfulness, and practice new methods of expressing gratefulness to those in your life.

Experts agree that to develop a lifestyle of gratitude, you will need to slow down and be intentional to look at all aspects of your life – work, home, play, community, church, school, neighborhood, family – because when you really take stock, there is so much to be grateful for. 

It might be specific people in your life, a job to pay the bills, a good customer service experience, a free country, a car to get around, food to eat, a place to live, fresh air to breath, a kind word you received, a warm coat, a cozy bed, hot water, or a new day.

How do you show gratitude? Here are a few examples:

Serve – You might volunteer at a homeless shelter, provide a Thanksgiving meal to a foster family, give to an organization that provides clean water in third world countries, or visit a homebound senior. There is no shortage of those in need, so put the gratitude you feel for your blessed life into action by serving someone less fortunate.

Show – Send a card for no other reason than to express your appreciation for an everyday thing someone does to make your life better. This is especially impactful for those who often go unrecognized, such as the custodian, the postman, the bank clerk, the grocery sacker, the garbage collector, your state representative, even your boss. 

Verbal – Try to go beyond the simple “thank you.” Instead, be specific about what they’ve done that you’re thankful for. For example, rather than simply thanking a veteran for his or her service, tell them how much it means to you that they put their life on the line to defend our freedom.


Asynchronous Videos in Online Courses

In online courses, asynchronous videos have become a popular instructional tool for delivering content, fostering engagement, and enhancing the learning experience. It is essential to understand the best practices for creating effective asynchronous videos. Let’s explore the benefits of using asynchronous videos and provide key considerations and strategies to ensure their successful implementation.

Benefits of Asynchronous Videos:

Asynchronous videos offer several advantages in online courses. They provide flexibility for students to access course material at their own pace and convenience. Additionally, videos can present complex concepts in a visual and engaging format, catering to various learning styles. Furthermore, asynchronous videos create opportunities for interaction and active learning, as students can pause, rewind, and reflect on the content.

Best Practices for Creating Asynchronous Videos:

Clear and Concise Content: When creating asynchronous videos, ensure that the content is clear, concise, and well-organized. Break down complex ideas into manageable segments and use simple language to explain concepts. Structure your videos with an introduction, main points, and a conclusion. Consider using visual aids, such as slides or graphics, to enhance understanding.

Engaging Delivery: Capture students’ attention by delivering the content in an engaging manner. Use a conversational tone and vary your voice tone and pace to maintain interest. Incorporate storytelling, real-life examples, or relevant anecdotes to make the content relatable and memorable. Consider using gestures or facial expressions to add emphasis and convey enthusiasm.

Visual Elements: Utilize visual elements to enhance comprehension. Create visually appealing slides or use graphics, charts, or images to support the content. Incorporate on-screen annotations or highlighting to emphasize key points. Ensure that the visuals are clear and legible, even when viewed on smaller screens.

Quality Production: Invest in quality production to ensure a professional-looking video. Use a good microphone and ensure clear audio quality. Consider the lighting and choose a suitable background that minimizes distractions. Use video editing software to trim unnecessary segments, add captions if applicable, and enhance the overall production value.

Chunking and Interactivity: Break down the content into shorter segments to promote better engagement and retention. Aim for videos that are no longer than 10-15 minutes. After each segment, consider incorporating interactive elements, such as knowledge checks, discussion prompts, or reflection questions. This allows students to process the information and apply their learning.

Asynchronous videos play a vital role in online courses, providing flexibility, interactivity, and engagement for students. These videos have the potential to enhance the learning experience, support diverse learning styles, and promote student success in the online environment. Asynchronous videos offer a valuable medium for delivering content and fostering a dynamic and interactive learning experience in online courses.


Top 5 List: Teaching – Fall In Love Again

Top 5 List

Teaching is a dynamic profession that requires constant dedication and passion. However, even the most passionate educators may find themselves in need of a spark to reignite their love for teaching. In this article, you’ll learn of the top five strategies for educators, administrators, and instructional designers to rediscover their enthusiasm for teaching. By incorporating these strategies, educators can create a vibrant and engaging learning environment that fosters growth and inspires both themselves and their students.

Why Teach? – Reconnect with the underlying reasons that drew you to the teaching profession in the first place. Reflect on the impact you can make on students’ lives and the joy of witnessing their growth and success. Reaffirming your purpose as an educator can reignite your passion and enthusiasm, reminding you of the profound impact you can have on shaping the future.

Start Learning Again – Never stop being a learner yourself. Engage in continuous professional development by exploring new teaching methodologies, attending conferences, or enrolling in online courses. Embrace the opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills, allowing fresh ideas and perspectives to invigorate your teaching practices. By becoming a lifelong learner, you model the importance of learning to your students.

Connect With Students – Forge meaningful connections with your students by getting to know them on a personal level. Take an interest in their aspirations, challenges, and interests. Create opportunities for open dialogue and encourage students to share their thoughts and ideas. Building authentic relationships with students not only enhances the classroom experience but also fosters a sense of belonging and mutual respect.

Take a Break – Teaching can be demanding, and burnout is a real concern. Remember to prioritize self-care and take regular breaks to recharge. Whether it’s engaging in a hobby, spending time with loved ones, or simply enjoying moments of solitude, finding a balance between work and personal life is crucial. Taking care of your well-being ensures you have the energy and enthusiasm to give your best to your students.

Collaboration – Collaborate with fellow educators to share ideas, resources, and best practices. Engage in professional learning communities, both in person and online, to exchange insights and seek support from like-minded individuals. Collaborative efforts can inspire fresh perspectives, generate innovative ideas, and provide a sense of camaraderie. Together, educators can create a positive and uplifting teaching environment.

Bonus Topic: Keep the Classroom Alive – Throughout the semester, try new strategies to keep the classroom experience dynamic and engaging. Incorporate innovative teaching methods, introduce interactive technologies, or experiment with project-based learning. Embrace change and adapt to the evolving needs of your students. By keeping the classroom alive with new and exciting approaches, you create an environment that encourages curiosity, exploration, and active learning.

Rediscovering your love for teaching is an ongoing process that requires intentional effort and a commitment to growth. By remembering why you teach, embracing learning, connecting with students, prioritizing self-care, and fostering collaboration, you can reignite your passion for teaching. Additionally, by incorporating new strategies throughout the semester, you can keep the classroom environment vibrant and engaging.


Using a Supportive Syllabus

A well-crafted syllabus serves as a roadmap for both educators and students, outlining the expectations, goals, and structure of a course. However, a syllabus can go beyond being a mere administrative document and become a tool for fostering a supportive learning environment. Here are a few things to consider as you explore the importance of a supportive syllabus.

Clear Course Expectations: A supportive syllabus clearly communicates the expectations for the course, including attendance policies, participation requirements, and academic integrity guidelines. Use concise and accessible language to ensure students understand what is expected of them. By setting clear expectations from the start, educators empower students to take ownership of their learning and understand the boundaries of the course.

Transparent Grading Criteria: Include detailed grading criteria and rubrics in the syllabus to provide students with a clear understanding of how their work will be evaluated. Transparency in grading criteria helps students align their efforts with the desired outcomes and reduces confusion or uncertainty. When students have a clear understanding of how they will be assessed, they can focus on meeting the expectations and improving their performance.

Resource and Support Information: A supportive syllabus provides students with information about available resources and support services. Include contact details for the instructor, teaching assistants, and any additional support staff. Provide information on tutoring services, academic resources, and technology support. By directing students to the appropriate resources, educators ensure that students have the support they need to succeed academically.

Accessible Course Materials: Consider the accessibility of course materials and provide accommodations for students with disabilities. Ensure that all course materials, including readings, videos, and online content, are accessible to students with various learning needs. Provide alternative formats for students who may require them, such as transcripts for videos or accessible PDF versions of text materials. This commitment to accessibility promotes inclusivity and supports the success of all students.

Communication and Feedback Channels: Clearly outline communication channels and expectations for student-instructor and student-student interactions. Include information on how and when students can reach out to the instructor, such as office hours or email. Encourage open and respectful dialogue and set a supportive tone for discussions and collaborations. By establishing effective communication channels, educators create an environment where students feel comfortable seeking assistance and engaging in academic discourse.


More Instructional Support for Adult Learners

Adult learners bring unique characteristics and challenges to the educational setting. It is essential to provide effective instructional support that caters to the specific needs of adult learners. Here are several key strategies that can enhance the learning experience for adult learners, including live consultations, language scaffolding, modeling, gaming, and feedback.

Live Consultations: Live consultations offer valuable opportunities for adult learners to engage in one-on-one or small group discussions with instructors or subject matter experts. These consultations provide personalized support and guidance, allowing learners to ask questions, seek clarification, and delve deeper into the course material. By offering live consultations through virtual meetings or office hours, educators can address individual needs and foster a supportive learning environment.

Language Scaffolding: Adult learners may face language barriers or varying levels of proficiency in the instructional language. Language scaffolding involves providing support and structure to help learners understand and communicate effectively. This can be achieved through techniques such as simplifying complex vocabulary, using visual aids, providing examples, and offering opportunities for practice and application. Language scaffolding ensures that adult learners can comprehend and engage with the content, promoting deeper understanding and participation.

Modeling: Modeling is a powerful instructional strategy that involves demonstrating the desired skills or behaviors for adult learners. By showcasing exemplary work or providing step-by-step demonstrations, instructors help learners understand expectations and develop a clear vision of the desired outcomes. Modeling can be particularly effective for practical skills, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, or professional communication. By observing and analyzing models, adult learners gain valuable insights that support their own learning and skill development.

Gaming: Gamification elements can greatly enhance the learning experience for adult learners. Incorporating game-like elements, such as points, badges, leaderboards, and interactive challenges, can increase engagement, motivation, and active participation. Gaming elements provide a sense of achievement and promote a friendly sense of competition among learners. Adult learners can benefit from the immersive and interactive nature of gaming, which can enhance their retention and application of knowledge and skills.

Feedback: Providing timely and constructive feedback is crucial for adult learners’ growth and progress. Feedback should be specific, actionable, and focused on both strengths and areas for improvement. Adult learners often appreciate feedback that is meaningful, individualized, and linked to their personal or professional goals. By incorporating feedback loops and offering opportunities for self-assessment and reflection, educators can empower adult learners to take ownership of their learning journey and continuously improve their performance.


Support Learning in Online Courses with Structure (Part 2 of 2)

In the last article, we explored the significance of structure in supporting learning in online courses. Building upon that, there are five additional strategies that we, as educators, administrators, and instructional designers, can employ to create a well-structured online learning experience. By incorporating these strategies, we can enhance student engagement, foster a sense of community, and promote effective learning in the digital classroom.

Use Discussion Boards: As an instructor, I highly recommend creating a designated discussion board where students can ask questions related to the course content, assignments, or any other course-related inquiries. By encouraging students to support one another through answering questions and sharing resources, we foster a collaborative learning environment. Regularly monitoring the discussion board ensures that students receive timely responses and feel supported throughout their learning journey.

Consistent Course Announcements: To keep students informed and engaged, I utilize course announcement features to provide regular updates and reminders. Consistency is key, so I establish a schedule for sharing important information. I use announcements to clarify assignment instructions, provide additional resources, highlight upcoming events, or address common concerns. This steady stream of course announcements minimizes confusion and misunderstandings while keeping students informed and engaged.

Consistent Due Dates: As an instructor, I understand the importance of clearly communicating due dates for assignments, quizzes, and other course activities. By establishing consistent due dates, I help students plan their time effectively and stay on track. I state due dates clearly in the course syllabus, assignment descriptions, and course calendar, reinforcing them through regular reminders and announcements.

Use Rubrics: In order to promote transparency in grading, I create rubrics for assignments and share them with students in advance. Rubrics provide clear guidelines and expectations for each assignment, allowing students to align their work with the desired outcomes. By using rubrics, I provide consistent and objective feedback to students, helping them understand their strengths and areas for improvement.

Use Substantial Feedback: As an instructor, I believe that feedback is an essential component of the learning process. I strive to provide students with substantial and personalized feedback on their assignments, assessments, and discussions. By offering constructive comments that highlight their strengths and provide actionable suggestions for improvement, I demonstrate my commitment to individual student growth and enhance their learning experience.

Bonus Topic – Informal Course Surveys: To gather valuable feedback from students, I periodically conduct informal course surveys. These short surveys allow students to provide anonymous input on various aspects of the course, such as content, delivery methods, and engagement strategies. Analyzing survey results provides me with valuable insights into students’ experiences, enabling me to make informed adjustments and improvements to the course.

As an educator, administrator, or instructional designer, supporting learning in online courses requires a structured approach that fosters engagement, effective communication, and meaningful feedback. By implementing strategies such as using discussion boards, consistent course announcements, due dates, rubrics, personalized feedback, and conducting informal course surveys, we can create a well-structured online learning experience that enhances student engagement and success. Through intentional design and consistent implementation, I can empower students to thrive in the digital classroom and achieve their learning goals.


Support Learning in Online Courses with Structure (Part 1 of 2)

Online learning has become an integral part of the education landscape, offering flexibility and accessibility to students worldwide. However, the success of online courses heavily relies on the structure provided to learners. In this article, I’ll explore five key strategies to support learning in online courses through effective structuring. Educators, administrators, and instructional designers can use these strategies to create a cohesive and engaging learning experience for their students.

Consistent Course Design: Consistency is key when designing online courses. Establishing a standardized course structure helps students navigate the course materials easily and reduces confusion. Maintain a consistent layout for each module or lesson, including headings, subheadings, and formatting. Consistency also extends to the use of language, instructions, and assessment criteria. When students can anticipate and understand the structure, they can focus more on the content and learning objectives.

Intentional Orientation: Begin the course with a comprehensive orientation module or section to familiarize students with the online learning environment. This orientation should cover technical aspects, such as how to navigate the course platform, submit assignments, and participate in discussions. Additionally, provide an overview of the course structure, expectations, and resources available to students. A well-designed orientation sets the foundation for a successful learning experience by ensuring that students feel prepared and confident from the start.

Online Learning Best Practices: Online learning requires specific skills and strategies for success. Dedicate a module or lesson to share best practices with students. Teach them effective time management, organization, and study techniques tailored to the online environment. Provide guidance on active learning strategies, such as note-taking, summarizing, and self-assessment. Encourage students to create a conducive learning environment and establish a routine that supports their online learning journey.

Low-Stakes Assessments to Learn Navigation: Navigating an online course can sometimes be overwhelming for students, especially if they are new to the platform. Incorporate low-stakes assessments, such as quizzes or interactive activities, that focus on familiarizing students with the course structure and navigation. These assessments should not heavily impact grades but serve as learning opportunities. By engaging with the course elements early on, students become more comfortable and proficient in navigating the online environment.

Weekly To-Do Lists: Provide students with clear and concise weekly to-do lists that outline the tasks, readings, assignments, and deadlines for each week. Break down large assignments into manageable milestones, allowing students to track their progress and plan their time effectively. These lists create a sense of structure, provide a roadmap for learning, and help students stay organized and on track throughout the course.

In the realm of online education, creating a well-structured learning experience is paramount. By implementing consistent course design, offering intentional orientation, sharing online learning best practices, incorporating low-stakes assessments for navigation, and providing weekly to-do lists, educators, administrators, and instructional designers can effectively support learning in online courses. These strategies empower students to navigate the course with ease, stay organized, and engage meaningfully with the content. With a strong foundation of structure, online courses can become dynamic and engaging learning environments that foster student success.


Students: Time Management (Part 2 of 2)

Time Management – What is it?

Time management is simply identifying what needs to be done along with how we spend our time and re-organizing our to do list. Here are a few tips to help you take control of your time.

Time Management Tips

While the time management strategies shared previously are broader and more foundational, these time management tips can be used in your daily and weekly study habits. 


Identify how many hours a week you need to devote to each class. Determine the consistent times in your schedule you will devote to your coursework. This will help you develop the habit of studying at regular times instead of procrastinating and panicking when an assignment is due.

Minimize Distractions

You probably already know what keeps you from focusing, so be intentional to minimize distractions while you are studying. Maybe that means turning off your phone, setting a timer during a study break to limit your social media, walking the dog before you start studying, using noise canceling headphones, finding a separate and quiet place to study, or recording your favorite TV show to watch later. If you don’t manage distractions, what should take you one hour could wind up sucking three hours from your day.

Task Master

Go over the syllabus to become familiar with all of the course requirements, such as number of online weekly discussion posts, as well as all assignments and their deadlines. Create a calendar, either digitally or in a planner, with all due dates. Set up reminders, if needed, to keep you on track. If you are taking more than one course, do this for each one and designate your study times for particular classes.

Small Steps

Making incremental progress and setting goals for a project will help you better manage your time rather than crunching at the last minute and not doing your best work. Some of a course’s tasks can be completed in one study session. Others are more complex and will require reading, research, and extensive writing. Rather than simply putting due dates on the calendar for these assignments, break them down into smaller steps and assign a due date to each.

Take Breaks

Divide up your study times into 30 minute or hour segments, taking 10 to 15-minute breaks in between to clear your mind. Grabbing a cup of coffee, listening to part of a podcast, reading a book, sketching or walking around the block can energize you to dive back in. 

Be careful to manage your break-time also!